More-than-Human Architectures

By clinging to outlawed desired, barely perceptible imaginations, alien gestures, the fugitive inhabits the moving wilds.
— Bayo Akomolafe

As space-makers, how are we inhabiting and coexisting amongst these moving wilds?

MAIA has collaborated with re:arc and The Black Land and Spatial Justice Project to manifest More-Than-Human Architectures, a programme within A Residency for Fugitives. By fugitive, we draw upon the work of Fred Moten and Bayo Akomolafe to reference those who are (re)sacralising and crafting otherwise possibilities beyond the normative.

The residency situates our collective work and space-making practices within an expansive more-than-human cosmology, as we prepare our next postures in the moving wilds.

More-Than-Human Architectures is a virtual, curated series of talks and conversations delving into the ways we are posturing space-making toward a more-than-human cosmology. With contributions from fellow travellers, visionaries and fugitives including Bayo Akomolafe, Sophie Strand, Jhordan Channer of Island City Lab and many more.



Monday 18 September 2023
Life Affirming Infrastructures, 10.30am - 12pm BST
A welcome with Amahra Spence

The Built Environment in Climate Crisis, 4pm - 5pm BST
- Dorraine Duncan, Island City Lab
- Scott McAulay, Anthropocene Architecture School

Tuesday 19 September 2023
Memorialising Space, Spatialising Memory, 11am - 12pm BST
- Daniel Oduntan
- Adéọlá

Retrofit Reimagined, 2pm - 3pm BST
- Immy Kaur, Civic Square

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Fugitivity in Postactivist Times, 11am-12pm BST
- Bayo Akomolafe

Diasporic Fugitivity, 2pm - 3pm BST
- Joon Lynn Goh, Migrants in Culture
- Heba Tabidi, Space Black

Thursday 21 September 2023
Constituting More-than-Human Infrastructures, 10.30am - 12pm BST
- Laura Holmes, MAIA
- Annette Dhami, Dark Matter Labs
- Jack Ky Tan.

More-than-Human Cartographies, 4pm - 5pm BST
- Sophie Strand